Care instructions

The jewels of L’Atelier de Solène are created to last in time and follow you in your daily life. In order to maintain them in perfect condition and preserve their gold plating, we advise you to follow these few care instructions.

How to wear the jewels?

Atelier de Solène's jewels are 3 microns gold plated and water resistant. However, we advise you to wear them according to your activities. To protect them, we recommend that you remove your small jewels from the Atelier when you practice sports or household activities. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as perfumes, hydroalcoholic gel, cleaning products and cosmetics could damage your jewelry.

Where to store them?

Your little jewel is delivered to you in a little bag. When you are not wearing it, the Atelier advises you to store this delicate creation in its little bag to protect it from shocks and scratches. We also recommend that you keep your jewelry away from light, heat or sunlight. If you wish to store several pieces of Atelier de Solène jewelry at the same time, we advise you not to mix them. They could indeed scratch each other.

How to maintain them?

Gold plating and semi-precious stones can have a tendency to alter over time. We advise you to take good care of them.

To do this, use a soft cloth or a small piece of suede. You can polish your pretty jewels to make them shine. With this gesture, you will take care of them gently.

To protect the gold plating, be sure to remove your jewellery when you go swimming, to the beach, or when you use corosive products such as hydro-alcohol gel or cleaning products.

conseils d'entretien